Saturday, May 06, 2006

Top Ten Telephone Basics

I ran across a helpful article for service & support front liners. Shep Hyken details ten basic skills that can not only make your customers happier, they will make your job easier. In support, nearly everyone who calls in is having a bad day - they wouldn't be calling you otherwise right? Early on, I had a habit of starting support calls with the simple question "How are you today John?" after getting the callers name. The answer was rarely positive. I'd get responses ranging from...
"I've been better."
"I'd be a whole lot better is this blasted product of yours wasn't such a pain in my ass!"
So I stopped asking "How are you".
Shep suggests starting with enthusiasm. He clarifys this by warning not to go overboard - I picture the cold callers in the Sales department - but be positive from beginning to end. Yes, you don't need another problem added to your already belt-bursting case load, but the person on the other end certainly doesn't need your attitude added to their load of problems!

The second point is to smile. Okay - this sounds cheesy I know, but most phone skills trainers suggest that smiling does something to change your voice and tone. Maybe someday I'll ask a scientist type to verify this fact, but for now, you might as well assume it is true. We all try to picture the face of the person on the other end of the phone line - how often do you imagine a scowl?

His third point basically builds on the first two - your voice will reveal you over the phone. Make the effort to have a supporting attitude before picking up the phone. I can testify that when they come in flaming, it is far easier to fix their problem and get them off the phone if you first extinguish them with a little positive attitude and understanding.

Read the rest of Shep's basics and let me know if you find anything helpful.

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